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Healing for the Pattern of Life

Physica Energetics Primary Foundational Healing Template

The Healing for the Pattern of Life offers a practical and foundational template for the work of healing arts practitioners in the field of BioEnergetic Medicine. This template consists of four main phases through which we guide our patients or clients, ensuring the clarification of the intra and extracellular matrix, organs, and system support, as well as the nourishment, drainage, and detoxification of cells and tissues. 

Within this framework are gateways that can lead to the successful resolution of the mind, body, and heart – the emotional, mental, and subconscious aspects necessary for the healing process, all with the right remedy, at the right time, at the right level, and in the right sequence.

Quadrant 1

Open systemic drainage 
Nutrient uptake 
Enzyme & colon health 
pH Balance 
Restore cellular communication pathways
The first step in any healing strategy requires establishing a solid foundational platform that encompasses proper nutrient uptake, adequate hydration, balanced levels of trace minerals and electrolytes, optimal pH, and well-functioning digestion. We must also ensure the systemic drainage pathways are open while simultaneously supporting and nourishing the digestive and eliminatory organs. 

The Restoring Cellular Communication Pathways (RCCP) program specifically addresses these factors in preparation for deeper, focused detoxification and is an effective and essential starting point. 

BioToxicosis is also highly recommended at this stage – working at the level of the extracellular matrix (ECM). 

The focus here is to reset the biological terrain and as you go from the known (symptoms) to the unknown (what lies deeper) as you start working with your patient or client.


Ensuring your patient is methylating and supporting this crucial cycle is integral to the Healing for the Pattern of Life as your patient continues their healing journey. Clinical Pearl from Dr. Robert Cass: “If you find your patients plateauing, it could be a sign that they are hypomethylating.” 

To better understand this vital pathway and cycle, see the in-depth video on the Dictionary page from our colleague Dr. Brockenshire, DC Functional Medicine Expert.

Practitioners use Methyl-B12 Liposome Spray and Vitamin B Coenzyme Complex Liposome liquid to support methylation.

Quadrant 2

Adrenal Stability 
Phase 1 Liver 
Phase 2 Liver 
Deficient bile 
Small intestine 
Peyer’s patches 
Gut-associated lymphoid tissue
The second step towards stabilizing the foundation requires deliberate and specific support of the adrenal glands, liver, and biliary tree. The adrenal glands are central to managing the stress response, both physiologically and psychologically, affecting all of the hormones in the endocrine chain and playing a significant role in most body chemistries. Detoxification processes can cause a breakdown in endocrine function and deregulation of the stress response if imbalances exist. 

Balancing the stress response is crucial in the absence of imbalances. Additionally, it is essential to stabilize liver detoxification phases before progressing to deeper detoxification. Neglecting support for these pathways may result in the driving of toxins deeper, congestion in the ECM, depletion of the patient's energy, and the onset of unnecessary retracing (or regressive vicariation) symptoms, as outlined by Reckeweg and illustrated in the chronic BioToxicosis chart. This can pose a significant challenge for the patient or client, and practitioner.

A good maintenance program could include electrolytes and trace minerals from SpectraLyte; adrenal and liver support from Adrenal LF, Omega GOLD, Licro Intrinsic, and HepataGest; and high-quality nutritional support from Vita LF and BioHealth Matrix.

Quadrant 3

Opening local drainage pathways 
Detoxifier homaccords 
Specific xenobiotics 
Imprint & inversions 
Emotional Miasms: personal, race, generational
Once cellular communication and methylation cycles have been re-established and the adrenals and liver are holding, we can safely progress to identifying and resolving causative factors. 

At this stage, the focus is opening local drainage pathways: liver, kidney, lungs, skin, colon etc., through the addition of decongesting and draining BioPhotonic Spagyric botanicals (Intrinsics) and Detoxifier Homaccords (Tox) to address mental and emotional factors, miasms, and specific xenobiotics. 

Quadrant 3 is the stage where experienced practitioners spend most of their time as we seek to remove various layers of the toxic burden through modification protocols, filters, dilutions, imprinting, inverting, and adjusting dosage and protocols. 

Note: Mesenchyme 6X, 9X, 6CH sarcodes, and homeopathic ATP 5X to demonstratively reduce retracing/regressive patient experience of re-experiencing past symptomatology.

Quadrant 4

Endo-neuro-immuno modulation 
Miasms (cont): archetypes & transgenerational
Constitutional well-being programs
In the culminating stage, as the causative factors are no longer an issue, additional support from the Sarcode Organotherapy (Codes) product line, constitutional remedies, and maintenance programs supportive of cellular repair and maintenance are recommended to ensure the pattern holds. 

A good maintenance program could include electrolytes and trace minerals from SpectraLyte, adrenal and liver support from Adrenal LF, Omega GOLD, Licro Intrinsic, and HepataGest high-quality nutritional support from Vita LF and BioHealth Matrix

Download and Review the Template

Reviewing and understanding this Healing for the Pattern of Life template will give you a good feel for the process, which will be the foundation of your protocols and therapies as you gain experience in the field and service of BioEnergetic Medicine. 

Download a printable copy of Healing for the Pattern of Life below, and familiarize yourself with the process at your leisure. 

Have more questions? Book a call with Crystal Cass to solidify your understanding of this essential method of practice.