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Allergies, Histamine, Mast Cells and how to support your patient

Allergies, Histamine, Mast Cells and how to support your patient

Allergies, Histamine, and Mast Cells

Allergies of various expressions are not pleasant to experience. Food allergies, seasonal allergies, mold sensitivity, migraines, rashes, itching, and the more unusual histamine-related symptoms like brain fog, IBS, diarrhea, constipation, indigestion, racing heart, palpitations, chest pain, dizziness, tiredness, anxiety, irritability, and depression. For women, irregular menstrual cycles and painful cramping. During perimenopause and menopause, alcohol intolerance, migraines, and generally overactive immune reaction as some of the symptoms that bring your patients to you, desperate for relief.

The discomfort of itchy and watery eyes, a stuffed-up nose, and sneezing is seen more in spring as new growth happens in nature, buds, and flowers pop, and pollen flies. However, a whole host of symptoms can be linked to histamine imbalance, as mentioned above, and likely don’t hit the mark with over-the-counter antihistamine medication. Plus, patients would need to take it all season or year-round. Research has discussed the long-term use of antihistamines contributing to worsening allergy symptoms, year over year, and more severe issues like dementia, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson’s.

Open the case; what is underlying?

Patients come to your office more likely to try to solve the underlying issues rather than band-aid them. Even those who don’t realize that their symptoms can fall into the Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) diagnosis will be thrilled as you introduce them to this after hearing Dr. Davis Brockenshire speak about it in the EAT THIS with Lianne podcast shared below.

Histamine can be out of balance in the body through overproduction, ingestion, or compromised ability to clear and detoxify it. The greatest hits that may be underlying issues to look for include stress, gut issues, microbiome imbalance, a lack of methylation support, compromised detoxification with the liver and kidneys needing help, and exposure to mold, pesticides, and glyphosate.

Diet and histamine

Analyzing the diet for high histamine foods is also recommended. Even healthy foods, like eggs, avocado, and fermented foods, can exacerbate symptoms and are a simpler short-term change that could offer some relief.

Here are some high-histamine foods, listed from highest to lowest:

Fermented foods: Sauerkraut, kimchi, kombucha, kefir, Miso, soy sauce, and tempeh are high in histamine because histamine-producing bacteria are involved in the fermentation process.

Aged cheeses: Parmesan, blue cheese, cheddar, and other aged cheeses contain high levels of histamine because histamine is produced as the cheese ages.

Smoked or cured meats: Bacon, sausage, salami, and other smoked or cured meats contain high levels of histamine because the smoking and curing processes produce histamine.

Shellfish: Shellfish such as shrimp, crab, and lobster are high in histamine because they contain histidine, which can be converted to histamine in the body if the shellfish is not fresh.

Alcoholic beverages: Wine, beer, and champagne contain histamine because histamine is produced during fermentation.

Dried fruits: Raisins, prunes, figs, and other dried fruits are high in histamine because they are often stored for long periods, which can cause histamine to accumulate.

Leftovers: As food sits in the fridge for a few days, they start to produce histamine, similar to fermented foods, and can be a trigger for sensitive individuals.

Diet Recommendations

The key is to find the worse offending foods and remove them for a period of time while the terrain resets, the gut and microbiome are supported and the overall load eases. All these foods are not necessarily on the do-not-eat list forever. Listen to Dr. B discuss further on the EAT THIS with Lianne podcast, episode 157 (links below).

Pesticides and Glyphosate

A situation often overlooked is the implication of pesticide use as the dandelions pop up, lawn and landscape maintenance begins, including golf courses and parks, and crop spraying starts as the outdoor season progresses.

Protocol Suggestions and Considerations

Dr. Brockenshire recommends starting with the RCCP Program if you aren’t sure where to begin. After the 30-day program, reassess and see what symptoms ease from restoring communication pathways. Add in Glutathione Liposome for those who need detoxification and liver support.

If your patient is suffering from brain fog, our community has told us they include NAC Forte, which can ease symptoms while continuing with RCCP or another patient-specific protocol. Also, hear what Dr. Brockenshire had to say about the underlying issue with brain fog in the video about allergies.

GPS-Tox for glyphosate pesticide issues is also high on the recommended list of practitioners. They also incorporate Pesticide-Tox, and drainage remedies to help remove the obstacles to healing (a must for any golfers or those who live on or near a golf course). Watch the video for more about GPS-Tox.

“I can’t keep GPS-Tox and Hypo Zymase in stock, it keeps flying out of my clinic, with such amazing results. Forever grateful! ”

Dr. Steve DC

Methyl B12 Liposome and Liposome B Coenzyme Complex Liquid - as the body eliminates the hormone histamine by methylation, and the liver breaks it down, methylation support should also be considered.

Solray D - A study published on March 24, 2023, in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology found that children and adults that took vitamin D experienced less severe symptoms of allergy (and asthma requiring steroid inhalers).

Baicalin (Chinese) Skullcap - Chinese Skullcap supports the linings of blood vessels and aids in robust immune system response and balanced cytokine production. Baicalin is a bioflavonoid extract from Chinese Skullcap that provides potent immune cell function support.

ZINC-Orotate Liposome Composite -contains quercetin which offers powerful antihistamine support, as well as Turkey Tail and Green Tea extract, both known for their antiviral support and, of course, the immune supportive and bioavailable Zinc Orotate/Bisglycinate Chelate.

Sambucus Intrinsic -another must-have for histamine-related issues, especially itchy eyes or ears.

Aller-Tox 1 - indicated for food-related allergies and sensitivities.
Aller-Tox 2 - indicated for environmental and airborne allergies.

Note: These products can be used together. Adequate drainage using Drainage Milieu or the Lymph BioToxicosis remedies is recommended for clinical success with any detoxifier homaccords. Watch this video explaining homaccords.

Last but not least, adrenal support is foundational in all situations of allergies.
Look to support with Adrenal LF, Adreno Code, Camu Camu, Alkalize C, Magnesium Bis-Glycinate, and B5.

Video and Podcast links


Listen to EAT THIS with Lianne podcast interview with Dr. Davis Brockenshire DC
Histamine, Allergy and Mast Cells - help from our Hero Dr. B. Episode 157

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